simple mindfulness techniques for beginners

 Here are some simple mindfulness techniques for beginners:

• Body scan meditation. Slowly scan your awareness up and down your body, noticing how each area feels. Release any tension or tightness. This helps you develop awareness and release judgments about your body.

• Breathing meditation. Focus your attention on the feeling of the breath moving in and out. Breathe naturally and notice the flow of the inhale and exhale. When your attention wanders, gently bring it back to the breath.

• Walking meditation. Walk slowly and focus awarenesson each step. Notice the lifting and moving of your legs. Swing your arms and relax your shoulders. Become aware of the weight and pull of gravity with each step.

• Yoga or gentle stretching. Taking a yoga or stretching class is a great way to bring awareness to your body in a gentle, guided way. Pay attention to each stretch and how your body feels. Release any areas of tension.

• Body scan with yoga. Combine a full body scan meditation with some gentle yoga poses. Slowly move into and out of poses while focusing on each area of your body. Feel the movements and notice any changes in awareness or tightness. 

• Mantra meditation. Choose a simple word, thought or phrase to focus your attention on. When other thoughts arise, gently bring your focus back to the mantra. Repeat a mantra silently to help prevent distracting thoughts. 

• Mindful movement. Simply bring your full attention to any movements or actions in your day. Could be brushing your teeth, washing the dishes, brushing your hair or getting dressed. Notice the sensations and make them a focal point for your meditation practice.

• Listening meditation. Sit quietly, close your eyes and focus awareness on the sounds around you. Notice loud sounds as they catch your attention and softer background noise. Keep as an open and curious awareness as possible, without judgment. Bring focus back when it wanders. 

• Guided meditation. Use audio recordings, videos, podcasts or apps to help guide you through a mindfulness meditation. Having guidance can be very helpful when you are first learning. Look for beginner meditations that are 3 to 15 minutes in length.

With regular practice of these techniques, mindfulness will become second nature to you. Be patient and kind with yourself as you develop your practice. The key is commitment to daily practice, even if just for a few minutes a day.


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