key principles of mindfulness

 Here are some key principles of mindfulness:

• Focus on the present moment. Direct your awareness to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations in the here and now. Notice the little details in your surroundings and appreciate small pleasures. 

• Observe without judgment. Take a non-evaluative approach. Do not label your thoughts and feelings as "good" or "bad". Just observe them impartially and accept them without critique. 

• Pay attention to your body. Notice the physical sensations throughout your body. Relax into them and release any tension or tightness. Appreciate the body's abilities and movements.

• Reduce distractions. Try to minimize diversions and focus on one activity or thought at a time. Turn off electronic devices and try not to multi-task.

• Listen actively. When listening to others, make eye contact, nod along and maintain an open and curious mind. Really focus on understanding their perspective. 

• Practice mindfulness in daily activities. Engage in mindfulness practices whenever they arise naturally in your day - brushing teeth, waiting in line, doing dishes, etc. Slow down and be fully present.

• Breathe slowly and deeply. Take gentle, deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Feel your breath traveling through your body. Keep your attention on your inhales and exhales.

• Start and end your day mindfully. Establish a daily mindfulness practice such as meditation, yoga or journaling. Even just a few minutes in the morning and evening can help set the right intentions for your day.

• Be gentle with yourself. Learning mindfulness takes practice. Gently bring your focus back to the present moment when it wanders. Do not judge yourself for perceived "mistakes". With regular practice, mindfulness will become more natural and easy.

• Practice compassion for yourself and others. Mindfulness cultivates qualities such as kindness, empathy and acceptance. Extend these positive feelings towards yourself, coworkers and others in your daily life.


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